Registradores: Los precios de la vivienda aumentaron el 0,8% con respecto al trimestre precedente
Registradores: Los precios de la vivienda aumentaron el 0,8% con respecto al trimestre precedente
TINSA: New and used housing increases by 8.2% in the last 12 months
Golden Visa - everything you need to know. The concept of the Golden Visa refers to the residence visa for investors. This characteristic visa offers the opportunity to foreigners who are going to carry out an important capital investment within the Spanish territory, to access the residence of both investors and their relatives. The procedure for this turns out to be simple and fast.
The Supreme Court obliges the treasury to visit property for value checks. The Supreme Court in Judgment of January 21 declares mandatory the visit of the expe
Tax changes in the valuation of real estate sales Whoever buys second-hand housing during this year is in luck, will be spared from paying the Property Transfer Tax
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